An article in the Kentish Gazette on June 3rd suggests that the off-slip road into the Wincheap park and ride area is not a dead duck. According to the City Council spokesman, “The provision of the fourth slip road and the Wincheap relief road remain strategic transportation priorities for both us and KCC”. The report also states that Pentland Homes, the developers of the 750-home Saxon Fields site between Cockering Road and the A2, is “still investigating various alternative off-slip arrange-ments” with Highways England and KCC. 

Tied up with the off-slip development is the concomitant loss of parking spaces on the park and ride, and the council’s own plan, currently revoked, to extend parking onto the flood meadow opposite Hambrook Marshes. So, as we said when we first heard about the plan being dropped, “Two cheers for a reprieve, but don’t relax your vigilance.”