We received an encouraging amount of support in the Gazette during March, with two letters published from Love Hambrook Marshes trustees. Additionally, one local resident’s letter queried the council spokesman’s claim that the new location for the extension had already been approved in the Local Plan. Another reminded us that in 2009 consultants commissioned by the council had recommended the construction of a multi-storey car park on the existing Wincheap park and ride footprint, thus obviating the need for one in Station Road West or for the park and ride to be extended down to the river bank. A third correspondent lamented the harm that would be done to the valley’s green space, and the impact of the project on people’s enjoyment of the cycle path. Finally, the Gazette made an article out of a complaint from Network Rail that they hadn’t been consulted, and their concerns that the development would lead to an increased risk of flooding of the railway.