The large tags that have defaced the A2 bridge for so many years have vanished! Being in such an exposed and elevated location, they were an eyesore to walkers 200 yards away and there had long been an aspiration to do something about it. Finally, with the aid of a roller on an extendable handle, and a paint concocted out of four emulsion colours, something approximating to concrete hue was mixed up, and then the ugly tags magically began to disappear! One small corner of “GUFF!” couldn’t be reached without falling in the river, so anyone with a perverse nostalgia for the unloved tags will, for the time being, have a small red triangle to remind them.
The graffiti on the wall underneath the bridge hasn’t been touched, as it is so much less conspicuous and, by informally designating this as the graffiti artists’ work area, it is hoped that they will leave other areas alone. Being so hard to reach, it is likely that the painted-over areas will remain free of graffiti for years to come, which is more than can be said for the supporting pillars,which received the same treatment. Being so readily accessible, it seems inevitable that the taggers will thank us for providing them with a lovely blank canvas! Any bets on how long they remain pristine?